Congratulations! Your baby is growing beyond belief and the doctor has given the OK for baby food. Now what? So much is running through your mind. What's the best? Where do I begin? What will my little bambino like? Take a deep breath and relax. It's easier than you think. I too was plagued walking through the baby food aisle. Reading labels, checking nutrition facts and with a shaking hand choosing a few that I hoped she would like and contribute to her growth. I only took that one trip down that aisle and chose one of each vegetable. When I got home and opened the first jar of greenish-gray beans thinking "gross! I would never eat this" I decided I would just make my own. To my surprise it was easy! I made a few mistakes along the way, but I did it! The joy I feel offering Teagan a meal prepared in my kitchen, under my supervision with ingredients I trust brings a satisfaction of accomplishment and pride that doesn't come from opening a jar. Like you, I'm a mom trying to be "Green" and save a buck. A little selfish glow is also nice.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Pumpkin Pie

Cut 1 baking pumpkin in half and scoop out the seeds of both halves

Place cut side down on foiled cookie sheet in a 350 degree oven

Roast for 1 hour or until flesh is tender

Allow to cool to the touch

Spoon flesh of pumpkin into blender or food processor

Puree adding an ounce at a time of breast milk or formula to make a smooth baby food consistency

* If too thin add rice cereal to thicken *

Pour into ice cube trays

* Tap the trays on counter to get air bubbles out *

Cover with plastic wrap and freeze

Once food is frozen pop the food cubes out of tray

* Run cold water on bottom of trays to loosen *

Put cubes in plastic baggies to store in freezer

* Don't forget to label bags and date

To serve:
Put 4 cubes in a microwave safe bowl and heat for 1 minute. Stir and heat an additional 30 seconds or until lukewarm


4 Cubes equals 1 serving

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